喜羊羊 发表于 2011-3-5 13:07


有机硅聚硅氧烷项目Dow Corning 190kt/a Siloxane Project in
Zhangjiagang (phase 2)(Team A区Part A& C钢结构安装工程)(steel structure installation engineering for Part A& C of Team A area)临时用电方案Temporary Electricity Supply Plan编制Author:
建设有限公司Shanghai Baoye Construction Corp.Ltd一、 编制说明道康宁有机硅聚硅二期钢结构工程Team A区钢结构工程基本上全部为高强螺栓连接,现场临时用电主要是用于极小量的焊接及打磨、饮水机等少量用电设施,计划用电总功率约26KW。一级电箱不用配备(已与业主联系用博格豪森路与12区之间的配电箱编号为6—3)。配备一个二级电箱,多个移动式小配电箱(主要是用于砂轮机)。具体电箱布置及电缆走向见电箱布置及电缆走向图。Team A steel structure in Dow Corning Siloxane Project Phase 2 is mainly connected with high strength bolt. In allusion to all construction use of power operated tools, welding machine, rotary sander, the planning for total power is about 26KW. It should not fit out the main electrical distribution container (it will use the distribution container which located between Bogehaoshen road and area 12,that the number is 6—3)。It should fit out the secondary panel and many mobile distribution panels (mainly for rotary sander). Arrangement of distribution container and routing of cable meet the following schematic plan.二、电源配置走向示意图:file:///C:/DOCUME~1/ADMINI~1/LOCALS~1/Temp/ksohtml/wps_clip_image-7819.png低压配电的操作顺序如下,送电顺序:业主提供的一级电源箱→宝冶二级电源箱→开关箱;停电顺序相反。The electrical sequence: the main distribution container→SBC’s distribution container→ switch box;三、电缆、电箱的配置所有电箱、电缆均以“三相五线制,三级配电二级保护,一机、一闸、一漏、一箱”的原则进行配置。All distribution boxes and cables should apply three-phase five-wire system, with three class power distribution and two-step earth-fault protection. One machine can only connects to one
switch, one leakage protection equipment and one distribution container. 四、安全用电措施 security electricity supply measure1)、电工必须经专业技术培训合格后方可进入现场进行施工。电工必须持有操作证上岗作业,严禁无证上岗作业。Electrician should take part in the training and be approved by the owner and engineering should have the certificate to work.2)、所有进现场的配电箱、配电线、电缆、用电设备,必须预先经过检验、测设,合格后方可使用。不得采用残缺、破损等不合格产品。All approach distribution, wire, cable and electricity supply equipment should pass the inspection and test. It should not allow use the sub-quality products.3)、用电系统必须按规范规定设置短路、漏电保护。
The electricity supply system should accord with the specification to set up the cutting-out and protection for leakage.4)、配电装置必须设端正、牢固,不得拖地放置;周围不得有杂物、杂草;进线端必须做固定连接,不得用插座、插头做活动连接;进出线上严禁搭、挂、压其它杂物。The distribution device should set up the correctitude and firm, it should not lay-aside on the ground; the round of the distribution device should not have the natural grass and sundries; it should firm lead-in end, it should not move the connection with the plug and attachment plug. The sundries should not allow hung and press on the wire.5)、移动式配电装置及用电设备迁移位置时,必须先将其前一级电源隔离开关分闸断电,严禁带电搬运。When portable-type distribution device and the electricity supply equipment move the location, it should switch off. 6)、用电设备严禁溅水、浸水,已经溅水或浸水的用电设备必须停电处理,未断电时,严禁徒手触摸和打捞。Splashing water and water strictly prohibited on the equipment, the equipment which already has the splashing water and water should switch off the power to deal with the water. Touch and fishing strictly prohibited when the power is on.7)、建立技术交底制度及相应的档案,通过技术交底提高各类人员安全用电意识和水平。建立电气巡查、维修、拆除制度。It should establish the system for technique hand-over and relative fire to improve the consciousness of electricity supply. It should establish the system for go on a tour, maintain and dismantle.8)、动火或动电焊前应对周围环境进行检查,如发现有易燃、易爆或电缆、光缆等敏感性物质应进行有效保护方可进行。It should be checked the surrounding environment before weld. It found the explosive, cable, fiber optic cable, ect. It should be protected to work.9)、,电焊专业人员进入作业现场,作业人员一定要穿戴好防护用品并应戴好防护镜或防护面罩。When entry in the site, the worker should wear the protection goods, the welder should wear the protective
and protective mask.10)、焊机接地要良好,防止触电事故发生The welder earth in good condition, it should prevent the accident for electroshock.11)、焊接完后及时关闭焊机,将焊钳放在绝缘物品上或悬挂起来,不得与构件接触。It should switch off the weld machine; the welding tongs should put on the insulator or hang on. Don’t touch the member.12)、作业区内必须配有可扑灭电器火灾的灭火器,作业区不得有易燃、易爆物品,防止火灾等发生。It should equip with annihilator, it should not have the tinder to prevent the fire.13)、施工场地注意文明施工,安全通道畅通,电焊线堆放整齐,保证施工现场的整洁。It should attend the civilization construction. The members and construction material should pile regular. It should clean the rubbish and keep the orderliness on site.14)配电箱、开关箱要合理设置,避免不良环境因素损害和引发电气火灾,其装设位置应避开污染介质、外来固体撞击、强烈振动、高温、潮湿、水溅,以及易燃易爆物The configuration of distribution box and switch box should be suitable. Avoid damage and fire cause by harmful
environmental factor. These appliances must not be of the installed in a place that has pollution substance or any other high temperature, humid, flammable, explosive objects. Avoid clash or shake from other object.

wangyan9385 发表于 2011-11-23 09:06

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